Resident of Holon accused of sexually harassing Social Equality Minister May Golan

On Wednesday, July 10, the State Prosecutor's Office presented an indictment in the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court against 28-year-old Tomer Guy from Holon, who allegedly repeatedly contacted Minister for Social Equality and Minister for Women's Empowerment May Golan on Facebook, leaving threatening and offensive comments.

According to the indictment, Tomer Guy used Facebook Messenger to write Minister Cohen insulting and humiliating comments, commenting on her sexuality and appearance, making sexualized insults, and proposing to fulfill his sexual fantasies.

The phrases included in the information text (cited in the indictment as statements made by the accused to the minister) are: "You won't have a moment's peace, no mercy. God, what an idiot you are. You have no idea what you're doing. Every word you say breeds hatred towards you in another person. A day, two, or a year will pass, and you will be useless to everyone, your family will hate you, the state will expel you"; "The time has come to shut you up forever, remember this day, you little whore, your time is short, soon we will throw you onto the scrapheap of history"; "We will get to all of you, the war has only just begun."

The accused faces multiple counts of sexual harassment.