Israeli government addresses threats against Netanyahu following Trump assassination attempt

The weekly government meeting began with a discussion of the assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump and threats against the Netanyahu family and other Israeli politicians.

The Prime Minister's Office reported that Government Secretary Yossi Fuchs presented a video to the ministers containing inflammatory calls against the Prime Minister. The ministers shared their reactions to the video.

Government Secretary Fuchs announced that next Sunday, the government would hold a meeting with law enforcement leaders to demand all relevant information on the ongoing investigations into threats against elected officials, particularly the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Netanyahu made the following statement after the meeting: "We are witnessing a stream of clear threats of murder and violence against the Prime Minister, his family, ministers, and elected officials. These are not only obvious criminal offenses but also a direct and significant threat to democracy. Yet, apart from minor exceptional cases, essentially nothing has been done. I urge the government's legal adviser and the state prosecutor to take action—this is their responsibility. There has been no progress, unlike during the previous government when immediate actions were taken in similar cases, such as the 'shameful speech case' and the arrest of a mother with her children on Shabbat.

We all condemned the letter to Prime Minister Bennett, which led to arrest and imprisonment. However, there is no comparison to the current huge stream of clear threats, which are criminal offenses, met with inaction and silence from senior officials. There has been no condemnation, and this should be condemned.

The local establishment's lack of condemnation legitimizes attacks on democracy and normalizes political assassinations. It also reflects selective law enforcement. Many said the incident in the US was expected. We see clear signs in public squares and on social media. The ministers unanimously agree: 'A real and symmetrical response is needed.' This response has not yet happened."