The Magen David Adom ambulance team, through their "Wish Fulfillment" project, helped 80-year-old Yosef Atzili, a former member of Kibbutz Nir Oz, visit meaningful places. Yosef, who has been in a hospital in central Israel, lived at the kibbutz for many years.

His son, Aviv Atzili, was tragically killed on October 7 while defending against Hamas terrorists with the kibbutz self-defense unit. Initially feared kidnapped, it was later confirmed Aviv was killed during the incident known as "Black Saturday". Aviv's wife, Liat, was captured but later released as part of negotiations.

MDA paramedic Yonat Daskel-Dagan and driver-paramedic Nathaniel Engel picked up Yosef, along with his son Yiftach and daughter-in-law Myra, from the hospital to visit the kibbutz, a place they hadn't been since Aviv's funeral.

During the visit, Yosef Atzili paid respects at the monument honoring his son and his comrade Tamir Adar. They also visited the kibbutz's auto repair shop, where Yosef had worked for nearly twenty years before Aviv took over. Meeting with old friends from the kibbutz brought Yosef great joy. The day ended with a celebratory dinner by the kibbutz pool.

Yiftach Atzili thanked MDA for fulfilling his father's heartfelt wish. Paramedic Yonat Daskel-Dagan shared that while she's granted many wishes through the "Wish Ambulance" project, this experience was particularly meaningful. She hoped the visit provided Yosef with comfort and support from his kibbutz community.