The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continue operations in Judea and Samaria to prevent new terrorist attacks and to detain or neutralize terrorist activists.

Palestinian Authority sources report that Israeli forces were active on the night of July 16 in several areas: Al-Bireh (near Ramallah), Tubas, Qalqilya and nearby Al-Funduq, Hebron and nearby Siir and Al-Arrub, Jericho, and Hizme (northeast of Jerusalem).

There were clashes, resulting in the shooting death of a militant in Al-Bireh.

There is no official information about casualties among Israeli soldiers from the operations in Judea and Samaria last night.

Suspects have been detained, but the total number of those detained on suspicion of terrorist activity is still being confirmed.

The IDF has not yet commented on the events in Judea and Samaria that took place on the night of July 16.

Around midnight, Israeli troops mistakenly fired on an Israeli vehicle in the Binyamin district, injuring two Israeli citizens slightly. They were taken to the hospital, and an investigation is underway.

On the morning of July 16, reports came in about shelling on the road between the villages of Shavei Shomron and Einav in Samaria (west of Shechem). The Magen David Adom ambulance service reported three people lightly injured by glass fragments: a 32-year-old man, a 16-year-old boy, and a 15-year-old teenager. The victims were taken to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba. According to available information, this was a terrorist attack.