IDF operations in West Bank on night of July 20: Militant killed near Hebron

The IDF continues its operations in the West Bank to prevent new terrorist attacks and to arrest or neutralize members of terrorist organizations.

Sources in the Palestinian Authority report that Israeli military forces operated on the night of July 20 near Jenin (in Al-Fanduqumiya, Jaba), near Tulkarem (in Bazariya), near Ramallah (in Kafr Ni'ma), near Hebron (in Al-Mukhayyar), and in Aqabat Jaber (south of Jericho).

Clashes took place. In Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, a resident, 20, was killed during clashes with Israeli forces. According to social media posts, one of the local militants was shot. There were no reported injuries on the Israeli side.

Israeli forces fired at a vehicle with Palestinian license plates south of Hebron.

There are no official reports of injuries among Israeli soldiers in the West Bank from the previous night.

Suspects have been detained. The total number of detainees suspected of terrorist activities is being clarified.

The IDF has not yet commented on the events in the West Bank that occurred on the night of July 20.

Border Police operated in Issawiya, on the northern outskirts of Jerusalem.