IDF conducts operations in West Bank's Qalqilya and Nablus

The IDF continues its operations in the West Bank to prevent new terrorist attacks and to detain or neutralize terrorist organization activists.

Sources in the Palestinian Authority report that Israeli military forces operated on the night of July 22 in Qalqilya (in the Nazzal area), in Nablus (in Balata), near Hebron (in as-Samu, Harsa), near Ramallah (in Silwad), and near Bethlehem (in Dheisheh).

Armed clashes took place.

There are no official reports of Israeli military casualties in the West Bank from last night.

Suspects were detained. The total number of detainees suspected of terrorist activities is to follow.

The IDF has not commented yet on the events in the West Bank on the night of July 22.

Terrorists fired at the Jewish settlement of Avnei Hefetz, located east of Tulkarem. No casualties were reported.

In Beita, south of Nablus, Palestinian Authority security services detained three extremists.