The Judea and Samaria Central Police Department has detained a 45-year-old IDF reservist officer and six Palestinians on suspicion of forging army ID cards. These forged IDs allowed the Palestinians to pose as IDF officers and reside illegally in Israel.

According to the police, a secret investigation was launched several months ago against the reservist officer. He is suspected of issuing false IDs to six Palestinians over several years, indicating they were IDF assistants or employees from the Bedouin and Muslim sectors.

The six Palestinians, all from the same family, used the fake IDs to bypass security checks and live in Israel illegally for years. The IDs included those for an IDF employee and a non-existent "Department for Supporting the Recruitment of Bedouins and Muslims to the IDF." The officer reportedly printed these IDs at a civilian printing house.

On Monday, July 22, the investigation moved into its open phase. Police arrested the officer at his home in northern Israel and the six Palestinians, aged 21, 29, 31, 34, 35, and 55, in Tulkarem. All suspects were taken for questioning and will be brought to court to determine whether their detention will be extended.