Shin Bet, IDF thwarts terrorist kidnapping plot in Jericho

A joint operation by the Shin Bet, the army, and the police has prevented a terrorist plot to kidnap Israeli citizens and hold them hostage.

Muhammad Terik, 19, and Amin Ktash, 20, residents of the Akbat Jabber Palestinian refugee camp near Jericho, were detained. They are suspected of forming a terrorist cell and planning attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians.

The investigation revealed that the suspects created a terrorist cell, acquired weapons and ammunition, and recruited others to kidnap Israelis, shoot at soldiers, and plant explosive devices against the IDF.

They dug a camouflaged underground tunnel near one suspect’s home to hold the hostages. During the search, authorities seized a "Carlo" pistol, an explosive device, a bulletproof vest, communication devices, and an Israeli military uniform intended for the attack. Another suspect was arrested by Palestinian police.

Last week, charges were brought against two of the detainees in a military court for planning a kidnapping, membership in a terrorist organization, and planning terrorist acts.