Israeli director Dani Rosenberg's film "Of Dogs and Men," dedicated to the events of October 7, has been included in the Venice Film Festival's Horizons program.

The film's main character is a sixteen-year-old girl named Dar, who lost her home and family on October 7. Her mother was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and taken to Gaza. Dar travels to her destroyed hometown kibbutz to find the only thing that connects her to her past happy life – her beloved dog. As the story unfolds, Dar meets her former neighbors, who share their experiences from October 7, and she watches the military operation in Gaza from the border kibbutz.

"Amid the rise of anti-Semitic sentiments, anti-Israeli actions taking place in cities across Europe and America, anti-Israeli decisions by international organizations, and the 'cancel culture' regarding anything related to Israel, the participation of an Israeli film in the Venice Film Festival is a true victory," producer Alexander Rodnyansky said.