IDF continues operations in Judea and Samaria to prevent terrorist attacks

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continued operations in Judea and Samaria on the night of July 24 to prevent terrorist attacks and detain or neutralize terrorists.

According to Palestinian sources, Israeli troops conducted operations in:

  • Tulkarm
  • Near Shechem (in Burke)
  • Tubas
  • Qalqilya (in the An-Nakar area)
  • Hebron and surrounding areas (in Dura, Al-Arrub)
  • Near Bethlehem (in Irtasa, Al-Khader)

Armed clashes resulted in several Palestinians being wounded.

In Qalandiya, south of Ramallah, the IDF demolished the house of terrorist Muhammad Manasra, who killed two Israelis in Eli on February 29. Clashes during the operation left four Palestinians wounded. The IDF detained the suspect in the attack.

There is no official information about Israeli casualties. The number of suspects detained for terrorist activity is being clarified.

The IDF has not yet commented on the night's events in Judea and Samaria.

Additionally, border police were active in Kafr Aqaba, on the northern outskirts of Jerusalem, using gas grenades.