The IDF continues its operations in the West Bank to prevent new terrorist attacks and apprehend or neutralize terrorist organization activists.

Sources in the Palestinian Authority report that on the night of July 31, Israeli forces operated in Nablus and around Nablus (Tal), near Jenin (Sanur, Fandaqumiya, Silat ad-Dhahr), near Qalqilya (Khirbet Sir), near Tulkarem (Ramin), in Hebron (Al-Jalda area), and near Hebron (Al-Arroub).

Clashes took place.

There are no official reports of casualties among Israeli soldiers in the West Bank from last night.

Suspects have been arrested. The total number of those detained on suspicion of terrorist activity is to follow.

The IDF has not yet commented on the events in the West Bank that took place on the night of July 31.

Militants fired at Israeli soldiers near the separation barrier in the Jenin area. No injuries were reported.

Terrorists fired at an IDF checkpoint near Mount Gerizim, close to Nablus. No casualties have been reported.

On the night of July 31, in the village of Atara, north of Ramallah, IDF forces used a controlled explosion to demolish the house of terrorist Murid Dahadha, who was arrested for committing a terrorist attack at the A-Mishtara A-Britit junction in Binyamin on January 7, 2024. In this attack, 30-year-old Amar Manur and 42-year-old Dr. Lara Tanos were killed.