
17-year-old Arab woman armed with knife detained in Jerusalem

The apprehended individual has been transferred to investigators from the General Security Service (Shin Bet) for questioning.

The terrorist attack in Jerusalem was carried out by a Turkish tourist

His name is Hasan Saklanan, a 34-year-old tourist from Turkey who entered Israel from Jordan via the Allenby Bridge on April 29.

Terror attack in Jerusalem's Old City, policeman wounded

MADA stated that the injured man has been hospitalized in moderate condition and is conscious.

Car-ramming attack in Jerusalem: three people lightly wounded, weapon found

The victims, 21 and 15, are suffering minor injuries and are undergoing evaluation for further medical treatment

Border police arrest nine Palestinians from Issawiya

Residents of a Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem are suspected of carrying out attacks using explosive devices, Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and stones

Israeli, German, and British foreign ministers meet in Jerusalem

Cameron and Baerbock's visit was aimed at discussing ways to prevent further escalation following Iran's significant attack on the country.

Two Arabs detained near Jerusalem with weapons and IDF uniforms

The operation involved Jerusalem police officers alongside special forces operatives, known for their "pseudo-Arab" disguises, and a service dog named Thomas.