
Film about October 7 to Premiere at Berlin Jewish Film Festival

The festival will feature the premiere of Oz Zirlin’s experimental film “Home Front,” which addresses the aftermath of the October 7 events.

San Francisco set to host Jewish Film Festival

The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to run from July 18 to August 4.

Jewish Rabbis to attend Raisi's farewell ceremony in Tehran

Leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, as well as high-ranking representatives of Hezbollah, have also arrived in Tehran to participate in the ceremony.

Israel to encourage Jewish scientists to make Aliyah despite budget constraints

Ofir Sofer is working on allocating a budget for a program for immigrated scientists that ceased operating last year.

Jewish young man to be executed in Iran on May 20

The 20-year-old young man was named Erwin Nathanel Ben Ziona.

German citizenship test now includes questions on Jews and Israel

The aim is to prevent antisemites and radicals from obtaining citizenship.

Dmitry Salita to join Jewish Sports Hall of Fame

The Jewish Sports Heritage Association has announced the induction of Detroit-based promoter and former boxer Dmitriy Salita into its Hall of Fame.