
US Navy amphibious ships head to eastern Mediterranean

They are prepared for potential evacuation operations of American citizens from Lebanon and Israel amid escalating tensions between the IDF and Hezbollah

Video: IAF conducted strikes on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon overnight

Terrorist infrastructure in the areas of Kfarkela, Houla, El Biyada, and Rab El Thalathine was hit

Saudi Arabia urges citizens to leave Lebanon immediately

In addition to Saudi Arabia, Germany, the Netherlands, and Austria have called on their citizens to leave Lebanon

Iran threatens Israel with destruction in case of 'full-scale aggression' against Lebanon

Foreign Minister Israel Katz responded, saying that a regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed

Israeli jets attacked Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon

The army targeted the terror group's members in Houla and Kfarkela

IDF strikes on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon at night

The army hit the terror group's operational infrastructure and military structure in the areas of Taybeh and Rab El Thalathine

What to expect from the war with Hezbollah: An interview with an Israeli war expert

The situation on the northern border is becoming more alarming each day, with the risk of a major war increasing. Pavel Vigdorchik spoke with military expert David Gendelman about what Israel will face in a war with Hezbollah and the readiness of the Jewish state for the conflict