The terrorist group Hezbollah has issued a statement accusing Israel of killing Saleh al-Arouri on Lebanese territory.

The statement asserts that Hezbollah will not leave unanswered the "blatant violation of Lebanon's sovereignty" by Israel.

On the evening of January 2nd, the Israeli radio station Kan Bet radio reported that in some areas of Haifa and its suburbs, bomb shelters that had been closed due to vandalism were reopened following the elimination of one of the leaders of Hamas, Saleh al-Arouri, in Beirut.

The radio station's report noted that the reopening of bomb shelters was a local initiative. As of the evening of January 2nd, there had been no new directives from the Home Front Command regarding this matter.

According to Ynet, the alert level has been raised in border areas in northern Israel. Specifically, roads will be closed to private vehicles, and farmers will be prohibited from working in areas near the border.