Earlier this week, 34 people suspected of being linked to the Mossad intelligence service were detained in Turkey. The suspects were captured during police raids in eight provinces of Turkey. Anadolu reports that after four days of interrogation and medical examination, they were transferred to a court in Istanbul.

The court ordered the arrest of 15 out of the 34 detainees. Eight more suspects were handed over to the immigration service for further deportation from Turkey.

As reported by the TRT channel, Turkish law enforcement received information about plans by Israel's foreign intelligence service to surveil foreigners in Turkey under humanitarian pretexts. Subsequent attacks and abductions were planned against them.

Turkey is one of the hubs of activity for the Hamas terrorist group. In early December, a secret meeting of Hamas leaders took place there, attended by deputy heads of the Hamas's political bureau, Saleh al-Arouri and Khaled Mashal.