US calls for taking into consideration security interests of Israel at World Court

The current hearings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague revolve around the legality of Israel's control over Palestinian territories and its ground offensive in the Gaza Strip.

US representative Richard Visek in the ICJ, a legal adviser in the US State Department, emphasized that those advocating for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the territories must take into account Israel's security concerns. He also stated that the United States is working towards a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which will lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Yasmine Moussa, legal advisor in the office of Egypt's foreign minister, made the statement on behalf of Egypt's delegation, expressing shock at the fact that some states oppose the court delivering a judgement. "What message does this send about these states' respect for international justice and the rule of law?" she asked.

A representative of the United Arab Emirates stated that Israel's violation of laws is hindering the prospects for resolution and the creation of a Palestinian state. She criticized the inability of the United Nations Security Council to adopt a resolution calling for an end to military actions.