UNRWA accuses Israel of 'extorting' confessions from employees linked to Hamas

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees has reported that some of its staff, who were released by Israel after interrogation and returned to the Gaza Strip, allege they were tortured.

According to the statement, attempts were made to extract confessions from UNRWA workers implicating Hamas with the agency.

Methods such as severe beatings, waterboarding, and death threats against family members were allegedly employed.

"We have prepared an 11-page report and will present it to UN agencies and international organizations," Reuters quotes Juliette Touma, the Head of the UNRWA press service.

She promised an investigation after the end of hostilities.

The report asserts that Palestinians detained since the outbreak of hostilities have faced beatings, humiliation, sexual violence, threats, and aggression by dogs. There have been instances of death due to lack of medical care.