Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula announces death of its leader

The Yemen-based terror group Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has reported the death of its leader Khalid Batarfi.

AQAP announced Batarfi's death on March 10 without giving a reason for his death. The group released a video showing the body of the jihadist wrapped in the group's flag.

The US Rewards for Justice Program offered up to $5 million in exchange for information leading to Batarfi's apprehension.

Batarfi took over the group in 2020 when the US eliminated his predecessor Qasim al-Raymi. He was known to be a native of Saudi Arabia and had fought against Americans in Afghanistan.

Sa'ad bin Atef al-Awlaki was announced as Batarfi's successor. The US Rewards for Justice Program offered up to $6 million in exchange for information leading to his apprehension.