Reuters: US to withhold funding for UNRWA until March 2025

US Congressional leaders and the presidential administration have reached an agreement to extend the freeze on funding for the UN Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) for at least another year.

According to Reuters, this decision is part of a larger agreement aimed at advancing a military aid package for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, which had been approved by the Senate but blocked by the House of Representatives.

Sources cited by Reuters indicate that instead of directing funds to UNRWA, the United States will support other humanitarian projects in the Gaza Strip.

It's worth noting that the United States is the largest supporter of UNRWA, contributing $300-400 million annually. The decision to halt funding was made in early 2024 following Israel's disclosure of information connecting UNRWA employees to the October 7 Hamas massacre in southern Israel. Additionally, it revealed that a significant number of UNRWA employees were associated with Hamas and Islamic Jihad.