Saudi Arabia to donate $40 million to UNRWA

The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre of Saudi Arabia has announced it will donate $40 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Following Hamas's attack on Israel, it became known that some UNRWA employees were involved in crimes against Israelis. This fact caused many countries to cut financial support for the agency and call for its abolition. However, due to the catastrophic situation in Gaza, some are reconsidering their decision.

According to media reports, Israel also supports the continuation of the agency's activities, as UNRWA is the only international organization with the personnel and infrastructure necessary to help Gaza residents.

The release of a UN report stating that Palestinians in the northern part of the Gaza Strip are at immediate risk of starvation has increased international pressure on Israel, whose efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza are deemed insufficient.