Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar, associated with Hezbollah, writes that Beirut is receiving increasing warnings that an Israeli strike on Lebanon is imminent.

The most serious warning, according to the publication, came from Great Britain. It states that an Israeli attack should be expected in mid-June, and also proposes the creation of strategic reserves in case of a war that could be lengthy.

The leader of the Lebanese Druze, former minister Walid Jumblatt, said that during his recent visit to Doha, Qatari representatives shared fears that Israel would attack Lebanon.

At the same time, in a telephone conversation with the Chairman of the Lebanese Parliament, Special Representative of the US Administration Amos Hochstein, said that after reaching a truce between Israel and Hamas, the United States intends to intensify its actions in the Lebanese direction.

The publication notes that it is becoming increasingly difficult for Israel to leave Hezbollah’s actions on its northern border unanswered. There are growing calls from both the army and political leadership for a large-scale military operation.