SOHR: IDF destroys Hezbollah facility south of Damascus

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has reported that Israeli airstrikes near Damascus resulted in at least three fatalities. The Syrian Ministry of Defense has confirmed two deaths.

According to SOHR, the airstrikes killed two men and a woman, and injured 11 others. Additional civilians were wounded by shrapnel from Syrian air defense missiles.

The primary target of the attack appears to have been the technology center at the Jihad al-Binaa Institute, controlled by Hezbollah and pro-Iranian militias in the Saida Zainab area south of Damascus.

Explosions were also reported in the Al-Sawaida area in southern Syria, although it remains unclear whether these were caused by Israeli airstrikes or Syrian air defense missile explosions.

The Syrian Defense Ministry reported that IDF aircraft conducted the attacks from the Golan Heights around 11:40 p.m., prompting activation of the air defense system, which intercepted several missiles.

The IDF has not commented on the reports from Syria.