Human Rights Watch took nine and a half months to publish a report on the crimes committed by Hamas and other Palestinian groups on October 7, 2023, in southern Israel.

After interviewing 144 people, including 94 Israelis, and reviewing 280 photos and videos, the 236-page report concluded that Hamas's military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, and at least four other Palestinian armed groups committed numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity during the attack.

The investigation found that the Hamas-led attack was aimed at killing civilians and taking hostages: "In many places, Palestinian militants shot directly at civilians, often at close range as they tried to flee, and at people driving through the area. The attackers threw grenades, fired into cover, and fired rocket-propelled grenades into houses. They set fire to houses, burning people or forcing them out, where they were shot or captured."

Armed groups committed numerous war crimes, including:

  • Attacks on civilians and civilian objects
  • Willful killing of people in custody
  • Cruel and inhuman treatment
  • Sexual and gender-based violence
  • Hostage-taking
  • Mutilation and desecration of bodies
  • Use of human shields
  • Looting

The report noted that despite Hamas's claims of not targeting civilians, evidence showed deliberate and coordinated killing and hostage-taking of civilians.

Human Rights Watch's recommendations for Hamas and other armed groups included:

  • Publish a complete list of hostages and bodies.
  • Immediately release all civilian hostages.
  • Ensure humane treatment of hostages with access to medical care, food, and shelter, and allow communication with families and visits from impartial humanitarian organizations.
  • Prioritize the release of hostages at particular risk, including older persons, survivors of sexual violence, and those needing medical treatment.
  • Cease unlawful attacks, including indiscriminate and targeted attacks on civilians.
  • Discipline members responsible for serious violations of international law.
  • Cooperate with international bodies to ensure justice and reparation for victims.
  • Provide compensation to victims and their families for deaths, injuries, sexual violence, and property damage from unlawful attacks.

The report concluded by stating that "atrocities do not justify atrocities, and to stop the endless cycle of crimes in Israel and Palestine, it is imperative to address the root causes and hold those responsible accountable. This is in the interests of both Palestinians and Israelis."