Der Spiegel: Blinken does not rule out Iran could produce nuclear weapon material within a week

Iran may be "one to two weeks" away from being able to produce fissile material for use in a nuclear weapon, Der Spiegel reports, citing US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

"Due to the nuclear deal being terminated, Iran is no more than a year away from the point where it will start producing fissile material for nuclear weapons," Blinken said while speaking at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado. He added that this is "likely just a matter of a week or two."

Blinken further stated that, as of today, Iran has not yet developed a nuclear weapon. However, the situation is "concerning," and the US government is "very closely" monitoring developments in Iran. In recent months, it has become clear that Tehran's government is making progress in advancing its nuclear program. Blinken reiterated that Washington's goal is to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. To achieve this goal, the US will continue to pursue diplomatic avenues.