
Qatar: indirect Israel-Hamas talks continue

According to Reuters, only part of the Israeli negotiating team left Qatar; several Mossad representatives reportedly remained in Doha.

Mossad chief withdraws Israeli delegation from Qatar

Previously, Hamas rejected a compromise proposed by Israel, which would allow the gradual return of residents of northern Gaza and the release of hostages.

Turkey reports arrest of seven Israeli intelligence agents

Turkish police have arrested seven individuals on suspicion of providing information to the Mossad in exchange for payment.

Iran executes Mossad' terrorist' for drone attack on defense facility

The date of the execution and the identity of the accused person were not immediately clear

Israeli delegation to fly to Doha without Mossad and Shin Bet leaders

The head of the Mossad foreign intelligence service and the head of the Shin Bet general security service, will not be flying to Doha today for the latest round of negotiations with Hamas.

Mossad denies Gotliv's allegations, calls them baseless lies

In response to Knesset member Tali Gottlieb (Likud), Mossad claims 'false information and conspiracy theories'.

Mossad: Hamas planned attack on Israeli embassy in Sweden

Mossad released a statement highlighting Hamas' intentions to attack the Israeli embassy in Sweden.