Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of Hamas, stated in an interview with Turkish channel A haber TV that he would like to see Egypt, Qatar, the UN, Russia, Turkey, and, in the future, the United States among the guarantors of security for the Gaza Strip.

"Our demands in this matter remain in force. We want Egypt, Qatar, Turkey, Russia, and the UN to be guarantors. Of course, the United States will also be able to join in the future. However, Israel constantly opposes this. Demand for guarantor countries—we always put it first," the Russian news agency TASS quoted Haniyeh as saying.

In another interview with the Turkish news agency Anadolu, Haniyeh called the US position regarding a possible Israeli attack on Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip "deceptive."

"As for Rafah, it is absolutely clear that the Zionist enemy has decided to occupy every point, every place, every city in Gaza, especially as they have been talking about for several months now their plans regarding Rafah," Haniyeh said.