
Eurovision 2024: Thousands participate in anti-Israel protests in Malmö

Not only were pro-Palestinian activists outside the Eurovision venue but also among the spectators.

Historic First: Haredi conscripts enlisted in Border Police MAGAV for mandatory service

For the first time in the history of the border police, ultra-religious conscripts began their military service in MAGAV.

Fox News reports on Republican initiative to deport student protesters to Gaza

Republican congressmen introduced a bill suggesting that individuals guilty of illegal activities at American universities be expelled to the Gaza Strip.

Protesters halt Highway 1, delaying humanitarian aid to Gaza; 6 detained

Approximately 250 Tsav 9 activists disrupted traffic on Highway 1 in the Latrun village.

Protesters block traffic on Menachem Begin street in Tel Aviv

Hundreds of Israelis gathered for a demonstration in central Tel Aviv, urging the government to negotiate with Hamas for the return of the hostages.

Families of hostages block Begin Highway in Tel Aviv for 209 minutes

The protesters plan to remain on the highway for 209 minutes, dedicating one minute for each day their loved ones have been held captive by Hamas.

CNN: police employ rubber bullets to disperse pro-Palestinian camp at UCLA

CNN, whose film crew is present on campus, has reported that police are employing rubber bullets.