
Families of hostages block Begin Highway in Tel Aviv for 209 minutes

The protesters plan to remain on the highway for 209 minutes, dedicating one minute for each day their loved ones have been held captive by Hamas.

CNN: police employ rubber bullets to disperse pro-Palestinian camp at UCLA

CNN, whose film crew is present on campus, has reported that police are employing rubber bullets.

Volker Türk voices concern over crackdown on anti-Israel demonstrations in the US

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed alarm at the severe actions taken by US law enforcement against pro-Palestinian protestors.

Pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia University request 'humanitarian aid'

A video showing a conversation between a pro-Palestinian protester at Columbia University and a reporter is circulating widely in both traditional media and on social networks.

Anti-Israel protesters seize building at Columbia University

The protestors barricaded themselves inside the building, refusing to leave until the university administration agreed to their demands.

French police dismantle pro-Palestinian camp at Sorbonne

According to Paris police, the operation was swiftly and peacefully conducted, with no incidents reported. However, protesters disagree, alleging police brutality.

Rabbi urges anti-Israel protesters to refrain from using his songs

Previously, Menachem Creditor was listed in Newsweek magazine's ranking of the 50 most influential rabbis in America.