
Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia met with Houthi delegation in Moscow

Russian presidential envoy for the Middle East and African countries and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov discussed the current escalation of the situation in the Red Sea with Ansar Allah spokesman Mohamed Abdel Salam

Dagestani official arrested on suspicion of aiding terrorism

Magomed Omarov, former head of the Sergokalinsky district in Dagestan, was arrested for allegedly aiding terrorism.

Putin's Advisor: Date for Abbas's visit to Russia has been set

Yuri Ushakov announced on June 25 that the date for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's visit to Russia has been confirmed.

Terrorist attack on synagogue and Orthodox church in Dagestan: Dozens dead and injured

The dead included a 66-year old Orthodox priest Nikolai Kotelnikov

Russian security forces storm house held by terrorists in Derbent

Militants who attacked a synagogue and an Orthodox church in Derbent have barricaded themselves inside a building.

Russia begins second stage of nuclear force exercises

The Russian Ministry of Defense has initiated the second stage of exercises involving non-strategic nuclear forces.

Russia and Egypt to hold joint naval exercises near Israel

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Russian warships will remain in Egypt until June 14.