
Hebron: home of terrorist killer set for demolition

The terrorist claimed the lives of 23-year-old Yishai Gartner from Modi'in Illit and 27-year-old reserve sergeant major Ori Yaish from Modi'in.

Manhunt in Samaria for terrorist who attempted attack near Givat Ronen

An Israeli citizen was attacked near the Givat Ronen settlement. Fortunately, the attacker failed to injure the victim.

Arab children in Ramla stone Jewish kindergarten

Two Arab children in the Amishav area of Ramla threw stones and bottles at a kindergarten.

WSJ: terrorists arrested in Europe with photos of Jewish objects found on their phones

The investigation concluded that the suspected motivation for these terrorist activities was the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Sirens in Western Galilee: rocket attack from Lebanon

Missile launches from Lebanese territory have been confirmed.

Three Palestinians arrested in Italy suspected of plotting terrorist attacks

Three Palestinians were arrested in the Italian town of L'Aquila on suspicion of planning suicide attacks in multiple countries.

Former local councilor fatally shot in Baqa al-Gharbiyye

Unidentified individuals opened fire on a car using automatic weapons In Baqa al-Gharbiyye.