
Minister of Religious Affairs to appoint 10 women to chief rabbis election commission

In the next elections, all 10 public representatives chosen by the minister will be women.

Six city Rabbis forced to resign

Due to regulations adopted by former Minister of Religion Matan Kahana, six Israeli city rabbis will step down.

IDF unveils plan to establish ultra-Orthodox brigade

The IDF is planning to establish a brigade comprising approximately 3,000 ultra-Orthodox men.

Rabbi Tzadka condemns Yeshiva draft plans as malicious

Rabbi Tzadka believes that proponents of the new conscription law seek to gradually exert control over the ultra-Orthodox community.

Calcalist: Nepotism flourishes in the Chief Rabbinate

The Ashkenazi and Sephardic Chief Rabbis are tasked with forming a committee to select new Chief Rabbis, with many candidates being their siblings.

Government to retain private lawyer for appeals on Haredi draft exemption

Baharav-Miara declined to represent the state in the appeal.

IDF responds to potential sanctions on Netzah Yehuda

"The IDF thoroughly investigates all incidents and will continue to do so," the army press service affirmed.