Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Ganz is holding a series of meetings in Washington in the Senate and Congress to fight against the Biden administration's initiative to establish a Palestinian state.

The Yesha Council says that Gantz briefed senators and members of Congress on the threats associated with recognizing a Palestinian state, emphasizing that this initiative would lead to increased violence and terrorism against Israel.

Among the senators Gantz met with were Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). Lee stated that there is no room for a two-state solution and that the US stands by your side unconditionally. He highlighted the need to ensure the security of Judea and Samaria residents and emphasized that many in the Senate and the US stand with Israel.

Sen. Ted Cruz also expressed strong support for settlements in Judea and Samaria. Gantz presented him with documents and research showing that the Palestinian Authority funds acts of terror and terrorists.

Ganz was joined on the Hill by members of the Binyamin Council's foreign desk, including Eliana Passentin and their consultant on government relations, Ruthie Lieberman. They asked lawmakers to vote for a bill to sanction the International Criminal Court in The Hague for targeting Israeli officials. Gantz met with the bill's initiator, Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.). Later in the day, the House passed the bill by a vote of 247 to 155, with 42 Democrats voting with all but two Republicans for the bill.