
Ministry of Defense purchases ammunition worth 2.8 billion NIS from Elbit

The contract spans several years and amounts to 2.8 billion shekels. Production will take place at Elbit's factories in Israel.

Islamist militants receiving weapons from Iran arrested in Jordan

The weapons were intended for Islamist groups aiming to destabilize Jordan through sabotage and terrorist activities.

White House announces plan to supply $1.26 billion worth of weapons to Israel

The Biden administration has informed Congress of its intention to proceed with arms sales to Israel amounting to approximately $1.26 billion.

Lindsey Graham compares Israel's war in Gaza to nuclear bombing of Japan

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham likened the IDF operation in Gaza to the US nuclear attack on Japan in 1945.

British Foreign Secretary: Ceasing weapons to Israel strengthens Hamas

The minister argued that even discussing halting arms strengthens Hamas and complicates negotiations for the release of Israeli hostages.

US defense chief says delivery of high payload munitions to Israel delayed due to op in Rafah

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says Washington opposes an offensive in Rafah without new civilian safeguards

German Navy interested in purchasing Israeli Hermes 900 UAVs, says IDF

The IDF website reports that the German Navy is considering the purchase of the Hermes 900 UAV manufactured by the Israeli company Elbit.