American entrepreneur Elon Musk participated in a roundtable discussion in Krakow addressing anti-Semitism and Holocaust remembrance. Preceding his speech, Musk visited the Auschwitz death camp, emphasizing the significance of safeguarding freedom of speech.

In reflecting on the historical context, Musk stated, “If there had been social media, I think it would have been impossible to hide such atrocities. The preservation of freedom of speech would have thwarted this. It is deeply sad and tragic that humans could do this to other humans.” as quoted by the Times of Israel.

The entrepreneur brought his three-year-old son to the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial complex, accompanied by representatives from Jewish communities in the United States and Europe. During the visit, he met with Holocaust survivor Gidon Lev and laid a funeral wreath.

In a statement, Musk expressed a hopeful sentiment. Since Black Saturday on October 7, social networks have evolved into the most potent tool for disseminating anti-Semitic propaganda and fostering hatred towards Israel.