British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has announced new sanctions targeting Israeli settlers involved in violent activities against Palestinian Arabs. These measures include economic sanctions and a ban on entry into the UK for those individuals. The British Foreign Office emphasized that Israel must also take decisive action to halt settler violence.

The statement alleges that two individuals on the list, Moshe Sharbit and Yinon Levy, were involved in physically assaulting a Palestinian, threatening his family with weapons, and damaging Palestinian property as part of a deliberate campaign to force Palestinians from their homes.

Additionally, a settlement outpost established by Zvi Bar Yosef has been cited by Palestinians as a "source of violence and intimidation."

It's worth noting that the United States had previously implemented sanctions against "radical settlers," listing four individuals, with only one overlapping name – Inon Levi. The others are David Hai Hasdai, Einan Ben-Nir Amram Tanjil, and Shalom Zicherman.

Following the announcement of US sanctions, the Postal Bank of Israel blocked the account of David Chai Hasdai, and Bank Leumi had earlier blocked the account of Inon Levy. These decisions were made by Israeli banks against Israeli citizens, even though the sanctioned individuals had not attempted to travel to the United States.