Estonian intelligence: Russia is preparing to strike NATO

The Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service has released a report indicating Russia's preparation for a military showdown with the West in the coming decade.

To counter this threat, the report suggests establishing a robust coalition among countries bordering Russia.

"The Kremlin is gearing up for a long-term confrontation. Over the next ten years, Russia anticipates conflict with NATO. Without proper preparation, the risk of a Russian offensive significantly rises," stated Kaupo Rosin, the head of the intelligence service.

Rosin noted that while a Russian attack is not imminent due to its involvement in Ukraine, he praised Germany's decision to station a permanent brigade of 4,800 troops in the Baltics by 2027 as a prudent measure.

In a recent interview, Tucker Carlson asked Russian President Vladimir Putin about potential territorial claims on European countries. Putin stated he had no plans to deploy troops to Poland or the Baltic countries.

It's worth noting that similar reassurances were given by Russian leadership before the attack on Ukraine.