London police are investigating antisemitic vandalism against the statue of Amy Winehouse

A statue of Amy Winehouse at Camden Market in London was vandalized when somebody placed a pro-Palestinian sticker with a flag of the Friends of Al-Aqsa movement over a Star of David necklace on it.

The life-size statue of the late Winehouse, who belonged to the Jewish faith, was installed in 2014, three years after the musician's death. The sculpture has become a popular tourist attraction and pilgrimage site for Amy Winehouse fans.

The Camden Market administration has reported that the flag was removed immediately, and the incident was reported to the police, who are currently reviewing footage from nearby surveillance cameras.

"Camden Market remains, first and foremost, a place of diversity – a global destination that welcomes everyone," said a market representative in an interview with the BBC, emphasizing the administration's determination to fight all forms of discrimination.

A spokesperson for the Campaign Against Antisemitism added: "Covering the Star of David, a well-known symbol of Judaism, on the statue of a British-Jewish singer, with a sticker of the Palestinian Authority flag, is antisemitic. Right now, 69% of British Jews say that they are less likely to show visible signs of their Judaism. When even a statue of a Jewish person can't get away with it, is that any surprise?"