Russian authorities add US senator to terrorist list

US Senator Lindsey Graham, a member of the Republican Party, has been added to the "list of persons and organizations suspected of involvement in extremist activities or terrorism" by Russian authorities.

This information was disclosed on February 20 by Rosfinmonitoring.

In addition to Graham, environmental activist Evgenia Chirikova was also included in the updated Rosfinmonitoring list.

Previously, Alexander Bastrykin, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, ordered the initiation of a criminal case against Lindsey Graham.

The reason behind this action in the Russian Federation stems from comments Graham made regarding the deaths of Russians in the Ukraine conflict, which was initiated by Vladimir Putin's regime. However, Graham did not actually make those statements.

It's worth recalling that Graham quoted the revolutionary slogan "Freedom or Death."

In response, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky expressed that Ukrainians aspire to be free like Americans. Graham then remarked, "And the Russians are dying," as seen in a recording distributed by The Times.

Right after, there's a fragment where the senator says, "this is the best investment of our money." However, even RIA Novosti had to admit that these words were not spoken immediately after the announcement of the death of Russian servicemen.