Asharq al-Awsat describes how Russia and Iran utilize language to advance interests in Syria

The pan-Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, based in London, sheds light on Russia and Iran's strategic use of language to bolster their influence in Syria.

The publication suggests that while Tehran's efforts are faltering, Moscow's influence is on the rise.

Russia's intervention significantly altered the course of the Syrian civil war.

Leveraging its growing sway, Russia began promoting its interests, notably by introducing Russian language studies alongside English and French in schools.

Iran, too, has been advancing its educational agenda, particularly in impoverished regions. Iranian initiatives provide students with amenities like hot meals, field trips, and scholarships. Often, these schools are the sole educational institutions in areas still recovering from the war.

However, Iranian schools' emphasis on theology has proved controversial. Imposing Shiite teachings has sparked resistance among many Syrians, particularly in coastal regions.

In contrast, the Russian language is viewed in Syria as a gateway to diverse career opportunities and international connections.

Proficiency in Russian enhances prospects for admission to Russian universities. However, in regions with a Russian military presence, the language is sometimes perceived as emblematic of occupation, dampening its popularity.