Mahane Mamlahti leader Benny Gantz visited Washington, where he met with US Vice President Kamala Harris, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, and US Presidential Adviser on Middle East Affairs Brett McGurk at the White House.

During these discussions, Gantz specifically addressed the necessity of the operation in Rafah to the White House representatives.

This issue is of significant concern to Americans due to the dire humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and fears regarding the evacuation of civilians from Rafah.

Following the meeting, the office of the US Vice President released a statement reaffirming full support for Israel's right to defense.

Harris emphasized that Israel must present a clear plan to the United States outlining how it intends to protect Gaza civilians during the Rafah operation.

After his visit to the United States, Gantz is scheduled to meet with the British Foreign Secretary in London.

However, the head of government's office has instructed the Israeli Embassy in the UK not to assist Gantz during his visit.

Earlier reports also indicated that Gantz did not coordinate his visits to the US and UK with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Gantz's office stated that the visit had been approved, but Netanyahu later expressed opposition to Gantz's trip.