In the United States, Super Tuesday is set for March 5, with 15 states holding primaries for both the Democratic and Republican parties.

The victories of US President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump are widely anticipated.

Biden stands as the sole Democratic presidential candidate.

For Republicans, former US Representative to the UN Nikki Haley faces a critical moment to continue her campaign.

As of now, she has secured the support of 24 delegates to the party convention, while Trump has garnered 244 votes.

On March 5, the fate of another 874 delegates will be determined. Trump is expected to win the majority of them, possibly setting a record for the most electoral votes won by a non-presidential politician.

The US is seemingly on a path resembling the 2020 elections. According to a New York Times poll, if the election were held today, Trump would receive 48% of the vote compared to Biden's 43%.

The former president's reelection campaign received a significant boost from the Supreme Court's decision to allow Trump to run for president and participate in the 2024 primary, despite his involvement in the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Meanwhile, Biden's popularity is waning as concerns about his health surface.

Critics from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party argue that he is overly supportive of Israel in its conflict with Hamas and has failed to address internal divisions within the United States.