Names of hostages posted near Rabbi Nachman's grave in Uman, Ukraine

Activists from the umbrella organization of Breslov Hasidim, "Ihud Breslov be-Uman," have placed a large poster bearing the names of Israelis abducted on October 7 in the synagogue in Uman, near the grave of Rabbi Nachman.

This initiative aims to encourage worshippers to include the abducted individuals in their prayers.

Rabbi Nathan Bin-Nun, a representative of the organization, emphasized that there has been a recent tendency for both the Jewish and global communities to overlook the plight of those still held captive in Gaza. By displaying the list of names in the synagogue, it is hoped that prayers for the safe return of the abductees will be facilitated.

According to Rabbi Nathan Tzemach, a gabai (attendant) of the synagogue, Ihud Breslov be-Uman has received numerous requests since the Simchat Torah tragedy to mention the names of the abducted individuals at Rabbi Nachman's gravesite.

To streamline this process, a specialized computer system transmits these names to the movement's emissaries, who are consistently present at the synagogue.