NYP: Illegal migrant from Lebanon arrested in Texas says he's a Hezbollah member

The New York Post says that a Lebanese migrant who tried to get across the US border and was caught in Texas admitted he's a member of Hezbollah.

The 22-year-old detainee, identified as Basel Bassel Ebbadi, told the police that he has been an activist for Hezbollah since the age of 15 and that he was a member of a four-person cell.

Ebbadi said he was heading to New York to "try and make a bomb."

The Tactical Terrorism Response Teams and the Joint Terrorism Task Force later interviewed Ebbadi. He claimed that he had trained with Hezbollah for seven years and served as an active member guarding weapons locations for another four years. His training was focused on "jihad" and killing people "that was not Muslim." However, he wanted to "flee Lebanon because he did not want to kill people."