Over 20,000 Ukrainian Jews participate in Passover seders

Over 20,000 Jews from approximately 100 settlements participated in Passover seders organized by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine.

Federation chaplain Yakov Sinyakov distributed holiday packages among Jewish soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and organized six public seders at military bases for the first time. The largest seder in Europe took place in the refugee camp on Lake Balaton with 600 attendees.

In addition to hosting events, the Federation sent holiday packages to around 45,000 families in 169 communities across Ukraine. Each package includes wine, grape juice, a traditional Passover plate, Shabbat and holiday candles, and a Haggadah translated into Ukrainian. For community seders, 70 tons of matzo, 130,000 bottles of wine and juice, as well as tens of tons of beef and chicken were distributed.

Rabbi Mayer Stambler, Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine, extended holiday greetings to the entire Jewish community. "We hope that the motto 'This year – in a rebuilt Jerusalem' will come true this year," the rabbi emphasized.