'Cancel hate': Holocaust survivors confront antisemitic posts on social media

The Claims Conference has launched the #CancelHate campaign on social media, aiming to combat Holocaust denial and distortion. The campaign showcases Holocaust survivors reading posts about Holocaust denial, illustrating how such rhetoric not only distorts history but also perpetuates antisemitic stereotypes and spreads hatred.

As part of the #CancelHate campaign, Holocaust survivors read social media posts denying the Holocaust and then debunk the lies, sharing their own experiences during the Holocaust. Each video concludes with the message: "Words matter. Abolish the hate."

"The world is in a precarious state right now," remarked Gideon Taylor, president of the Claims Conference. "Social media provides a platform for hate speech to spread anonymously. However, these posts have consequences—they dismiss the firsthand accounts of every Holocaust survivor, diminishing their suffering and the pain of losing loved ones."

The #CancelHate campaign directly confronts the serious issue of Holocaust denial and distortion on social media platforms, where anonymity fosters the proliferation of antiemitic hatred.

"I never imagined a day when Holocaust survivors would confront such a surge of Holocaust denial and distortion, but unfortunately, that day has arrived," acknowledged Greg Schneider, executive vice president of the Claims Conference. "Unchecked hatred has dire consequences, as evidenced by history. Through our campaign, Holocaust survivors worldwide bravely confront these vile posts, ensuring that current and future generations understand that hatred has no place in society."

Holocaust survivor and US #CancelHate campaigner Abe Foxman emphasized: "I survived the Holocaust, but 13 members of my family were killed because they were Jewish. Holocaust denial on social media is not just another post. Our words matter. Holocaust denial posts deny the suffering of millions. We must take our words seriously."

Herbert Rubinstein, a German Holocaust survivor, reflected on the resurgence of hatred and Holocaust denial in society today, stating: "I survived the Holocaust. Six million were killed. Hatred and Holocaust denial are resurging today. Our words are our power."

Hedy Argent, a British Holocaust survivor, emphasized the reality of the Holocaust: "My family faced persecution because we were Jews. The Holocaust truly happened."

The #CancelHate campaign against Holocaust denial and distortion will run for a month. Over the next 30 days, videos featuring Holocaust survivors challenging social media posts denying the Holocaust will be published on the organization's website: www.Claimscon.org/CancelHate.