At a House Armed Services subcommittee hearing on May 1, US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy John Plumb raised concerns about Russia's development of a new satellite capable of carrying a nuclear device, potentially posing a threat to all other satellites. This information was reported by several American media outlets, including NBC News.

During his address, Plumb underscored the development of "indiscriminate" anti-satellite nuclear weapons that could endanger both military and civilian satellites. He emphasized that not only the Pentagon but the entire Biden administration is troubled by this Russian program, though there is currently no immediate threat.

Responding to inquiries about the potential consequences of such a weapon, Plumb expressed that low-Earth orbit, the primary orbit for satellites, could become unusable for possibly up to a year due to radiation from a nuclear explosion. He noted the difficulty in providing a precise assessment, as it hinges on the magnitude of the nuclear blast.

Plumb's appearance marked the first instance of a Biden administration official addressing the potential anti-satellite capabilities of the Russian military in an open hearing before Congress.