Historic First: Haredi conscripts enlisted in Border Police MAGAV for mandatory service

On Thursday, May 9, for the first time in the history of the border police, ultra-religious conscripts began their military service in MAGAV.

MAGAV commander, Major General, Itzhak Brik, met with the recruits to wish them success.

"This morning, you turned a new page in your life, and now you can achieve anything. Every opportunity is open to you - and who knows, maybe in a few years, one of you will take my place," he said.

Thirty conscripts leading an ultra-Orthodox lifestyle signed up at the BAKUM military registration and enlistment office in Tel Hashomer for compulsory service in the MAGAV border police.

As part of the cooperation between the IDF and MAGAV, a program was developed to integrate Haredi conscripts so that they could serve considering their characteristics and needs.

The MAGAV Border Police emphasizes that equality of opportunity is one of the unit's key principles; the Border Police serves Jews and Muslims, Druze and Christians, secular and religious individuals, men and women from all walks of life in Israeli society.

Thirty Haredi conscripts, aged 18-20 and living in different parts of the country, expressed a desire to serve in MAGAV. On Thursday morning, they received their border police uniforms at the military registration and enlistment office. They will now undergo a training course tailored to them, considering religious restrictions.

Over the next four months, the recruits will train at the Tevetz training base in Judea and Samaria, acquiring all the necessary skills for service, including small arms, counter-terrorism, urban and open-country combat, physical and operational training, and more.