The Wall Street Journal has published an article raising doubts about Joe Biden's ability to carry out his presidential duties. Insights were gathered from multiple sources who had private meetings with the head of state.

While Biden appeared sharp and engaged at some meetings, he could seem lethargic and disinterested the next day, occasionally reading generic phrases from a piece of paper so quietly that no one could hear him.

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a Republican, commented, "I met him when he was vice president. I visited his house. He's just a different person."

At 81, Biden is the oldest US president, sparking concerns about his age and cognitive abilities, which have become key issues in the current presidential race. Republicans have been actively highlighting this topic in their election campaign.

The White House administration has rejected claims that President Biden is experiencing age-related decline. The article also notes that mistakes, possibly due to age, have been observed in his rival for the White House, Donald Trump, who is only 3.5 years younger.