Former Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters stirred controversy during an interview with Piers Morgan on "Piers Morgan Uncensored." Waters accused Israel of the October 7 deaths and denied allegations of Hamas's involvement in sexual violence. He defended Palestinian resistance, claiming it's justified against oppression.

Piers Morgan announced the interview on his social media, previously known as Twitter, stating, "Piers Morgan finally confronts Pink Floyd's Roger Waters after calling him 'the world's dumbest rock star' and 'a complete and utter idiot.'" Morgan later said the interview went "exactly as expected."

During the hour-long conversation, Waters, 80, asserted casualties at the Nova festival were from Apache helicopter rockets, though Hamas lacks such aircraft. He dismissed claims of terrorist sexual violence as baseless, calling accusers "dirty, disgusting liars."

Waters also questioned Israel's defense tactics on October 7 and dismissed concerns about a kidnapped baby. Morgan noted his unusual behavior during the interview, saying, "I've never seen someone talk to themselves during an interview before."